Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Are We Cowards for Our Cause?

"So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me." Hebrews 13:6

When was the last time you stood up for Israel? For the Jewish people? For the promise of G-d?

Have you ever been in the situation to defend G-d's people and then kept silent?

This happens from time to time.

Be it, in a college classroom (which happens way more often than you think, and in areas you wouldn't expect) or be it a social setting.

Maybe you are afraid of the repercussions on your grade. Maybe you feel like you don't have all of the facts for a sound argument. Maybe you just don't want to be "that guy".

I implore you..BE THAT GUY!

You may be the only one that will speak for Zion, you may be the lone voice that represents the Jewish people and Israel.

No longer can we sit idly by while the other side gets away with the sickening lies about the Lord's people.

The more these lies are repeated, people will start believing them, and especially when nobody refutes the statement.

Lies such as Israeli Apartheid and Israel being an occupying force in "Arab land".

Protecting your citizens from terrorism and a constant stream of rockets flying into your country, since when is that being an "Apartheid State"? Since when has governing from an area that has been historically yours make you an "occupying" state?

They will not get away with their ignorant, anti-Semitic rhetoric anymore!

We are the watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem!
It is time we start acting like it!

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